A Twenty-Seven-Year Awaits Me and Journey Goes OnHeart-wrenching, grief-stricken, and bewildered-that is how I felt upon finishing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, watching the final cinematic…Mar 1Mar 1
Is the world worse?The evolution of communication technology has led to a world that is smaller and more chaotic.Feb 3Feb 3
Chinese Middle-Aged Men and Alcohol: Navigating a Complex RelationshipThree or four friends, a table filled with salty and fatty dishes like braised pork belly, and spicy hot pot, accompanied by pickled…Jan 21Jan 21
New Republic: Episode Two我從床上醒來,太陽已經照亮了窗戶上的紙。紙張破舊不堪,糊住窗子,完全不是為了禦寒,這裏即便是冬季,溫度並不低。西非海岸的涼風吹不到這裏。寒冷是住在五號區和十三號區的人特權。我寄居的地方位於窪地,三面都是山,完全不透風,故而才是我理解的非洲氣候。Jan 61Jan 61
Embracing the Whole for the Love of One Part: Peter Pan and Finding NeverlandOnce I click a hyperlink related to Silent Hill 2 during a Wikipedia Speed-Run, I fall into a rabbit hole leading to the wonderland of…Oct 28, 2024Oct 28, 2024
Decaying Era, and Its Literature and MediaTen years ago, I was fascinated by Lama Buddhism, also called Tibetan Buddhism, especially the Sanskrit names of deities in their…Jul 30, 202415Jul 30, 202415
A Bending Steel Ruler: The Art of Tension in ScriptwritingLike a slumbering tiger crouched beside you, why does it evoke an inescapable sense of fear around you at any time? The answer lies in the…Feb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024